ADHD (or ADD - now the same thing) is the most common behavioral health diagnosis in the United States, with over 13% of boys being diagnosed. ADD can make everyday a challenge, causing significant problems in class or in our careers. Often ADHD symptoms cause intense and persistent anxiety and depression, resulting in low motivation, strained relationships, and not living up to our greatest potential.
Signs & Symptoms of ADHD
Trouble listening and paying attention in class, during projects, or at meetings
Difficulty sitting still during lectures, presentations, or at work
Easily distracted (e.g. head in the clouds, getting lost, or losing things)
Inability to manage impulsive, hyperactive behavior (e.g. spending money, blurting out loud, stealing, etc)
Low motivation and procrastination (e.g. always waiting till the last minute, turning in projects late, neglecting assignments)
Challenges establishing effective routines and habits in personal, academic, and professional lives (e.g. study skills)
Inadequate at prioritizing and time management (e.g. scheduling, finishing to-do lists, delegating, etc.)
Poor concentration, quickly bored, and needing continual stimulation (e.g. fidgeting, checking phone, etc.)
Failing to pay attention to details and making careless mistakes (e.g. executive functioning, budgeting or spelling errors, etc.)
Treatment for ADHD
MEDICATION: Research indicates that medication combined with therapy (counseling or coaching) has the best results. *However, the CDC urges medication should only be used as a last resort since drugs have many negative side effects
COUNSELING: Cognitive and behavioral therapy provides folks with strategies and techniques to reduce the negative impact and symptoms of ADD, such as impaired relationships, mood disorders (anxiety/depression), and low executive functioning
COACHING: Coaching provides adolescents and adults with ADHD the skills to take their academic/professional lives, personal lives, and relationships to the next level, so people's future can be happy, healthy, and productive
5 Benefits of Counseling & Coaching for ADD
INCREASE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING: Boost productivity, focus and attention, increase organization, plan and set goals
DEVELOP LIFE SKILLS: From managing money (budgeting) to healthy habits (sleeping, nutrition) to study habits
REDUCED PROCRASTINATION: Increase productivity by making better decisions, manage your time and learn to prioritize effectively
BETTER RELATIONSHIPS: Develop social skills, decrease social anxiety, and control impulsive-interrupting behavior
LIFE & CAREER CLARITY: Reduce job hopping, create a stable vision for your life's academic and professional future
Reaching your full potential isn't easy but it is possible.
Hi, I'm Scott Treas, Founder of LifeSketch Counseling and Coaching.
At LifeSketch, we love partnering with young people in developing skills and strategies for success in their personal, professional, and social lives. We believe that young people are strong, adaptive, and creative; that we are meant to be happy, healthy, and passionate.
After 15 years of working with students and young professionals, families say that we make the counseling process clear, comfortable, and conceivable; making change practical. We would be excited and honored to work with you or your teen.
Interested in Getting Started?
Step 1
Schedule a FREE Phone Call.
Let’s have a conversation about your situation, challenges, and goals in your life.
Step 2
Let’s Talk
Decide if we’re a good match.
We’ll help you choose the right LifeSketch program and professional to work with.
Step 3
Get Started
Move Forward
We’ll work with you to sort out what’s holding you back and unlock your full potential.