Job stress is the number one source of stress in the US and it is only getting worse. Tensions at work are increasing anxiety, depression, and frustration/anger; leading to more heart attacks, relational issues (high rates of divorce), and mental health issues (physicians, doctors and executives have a much higher rate of suicide than the general population). We our overworked and our lives our out of balance, with toxic work environments our job far from something we love to do.
Symptoms of Burnout | Work Stress | Compassion Fatigue
EXHAUSTION: When you are experiencing chronic fatigue, not able to get out of bed, and insomnia.
FRUSTRATION: Irritability, anger, and having a short fuze; when your 'stuck' in your job and career.
DEPRESSION: Feeling hopeless, down, and the 'blues;' loosing enjoyment in the things you use to love.
DETACHED: Feeling apathetic, indifferent, and cynical; knowing that 'nothing will make a difference.'
NUMBING: Using marijuana, alcohol, video games or other substances to ease the pain.
UNPRODUCTIVE: Chronic procrastination, distraction, and underperformance.
Causes of Burnout | Work Stress | Compassion Fatigue
Being on call 24/7, taking work home, and constant access to email/phone (never unplugging)
When life is imbalanced; being overwhelmed by job deadlines and demands
Helping professions can lead to 2nd hand trauma, over using empathy, and the messiah effect (trying to 'save' others)
A toxic culture, from negative managers, backstabbing, and constant conflict with co-workers
Lack of control, autonomy, and trust in our positions
Treatment for Burnout | Work Stress | Compassion Fatigue
LIFE COACHING: Learn strategies to control your situation, balance your life, and cope with negative circumstances; partner with a Denver Life Coach to move your life and career to the next level.
CAREER COUNSELING: Reconnect to your purpose and design a career that you'll love; Littleton career coaching can help you get to a point where everyday you're excited to wake up and go to work.
THERAPY: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help develop ways to decrease anxiety, depression and anger, to improve your mood, relationships, wellbeing.
STRESS MANAGEMENT: Reduce stress, pressure, and anxiety; stress management counseling in South Denver can the can negative impact our professions/studies have in our lives.
JOB SEARCH COACHING: Sometimes the best move is to change your environment; job coaching in Littleton, Colorado can prepare your next move.
Benefits of Counseling & Coaching for Burnout
RE-IGNITE YOUR PASSION: Wake up excited to go work again, engage with others, and KNOW that you're making a difference.
BALANCE YOUR LIFE: Set boundaries; improve your home life, physical and mental health, and deepen your relationships.
INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY: Reduce procrastination, improve performance, and prioritize your values.
MANAGE YOUR MOOD: Decrease your anxiety, depression and frustration, so you can be happy again.
BE IN CONTROL: Change your environment, accomplish your goals, overcome obstacles; design your life.
Developing Career Clarity
Hi, I'm Scott Treas, Therapist & Career Coach.
I love partnering with students, professionals, and organizations in developing skills and strategies for success in their personal, professional, and social lives. I believe that we are strong, adaptive, and creative. I also believe that we are meant to be happy, healthy, and passionate. After 5+ years of career counseling, individuals and organizations say that I make the counseling process clear, comfortable, and approachable; making change practical. I would be excited and honored to work with you.