Sometimes we lose who we are, lost without a plan nor drive for change. We may be feel beaten up, defeated and worn out; tired from repeated failure. When we're stuck in a rut and don't feel we have control over our situation we can feel hopeless, anxious, and sad. Or worse, we may feel nothing at all, numb and detached. We can get disconnected from our purpose, dispassionate about our interests, and demotivated in our maintaining relationships or keeping up with our academics/professions.
9 Symptoms of Motivation Problems
PROCRASTINATION: When you're always waiting till the last minute, at times turning in assignments or projects late (or not at all).
LACK OF FOLLOW THROUGH: Starting multiple projects with difficulty finishing tasks; breaking commitments.
HOPELESSNESS: A feeling of despair and a belief that nothing will ever improve nor change; helplessness.
SHAME & GUILT: Feelings of worthlessness, rejection, or self-loathing; belief that you are lazy, bad, dumb.
SELF SABOTAGING: Self destructive behavior, quitting too soon, repeating negative patterns.
NOT CARING: Feelings of apathy or indifference; lack of passion or emotion.
CRIPPLING DEPRESSION: Depressed and lowered mood; deeper than the 'blues,' difficulty concentrating.
ANXIETY: Feelings of nervousness, restlessness, and tense; excessive worry and fear.
ISOLATION: Feeling lonely; difficulty making and maintaining friends; lack of social support.
FATIGUE: Chronic exhaustion, low energy, and feeling tired.
Causes of Motivational Problems
LOW CONFIDENCE: One's belief in their own ability to be successful (self-efficacy) and the level of intrinsic motivation are inherently linked.
LACK OF DIRECTION: Having a sense of purpose and meaning (the why) is a fundamental requirement for setting and accomplishing goals.
ANXIETY/DEPRESSION: Mental health challenges can zap motivation; mood disorders destroy drive and ambition through dysfunctional thoughts, negative self talk, and irrational beliefs.
LIMITED EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING: At times, low motivation can be explained by the brain's unique structure impacting the ability to stay on task, organize, etc. (often symptoms of ADHD/ADD or Learning Disorders (e.g. dyslexia).
UNHEALTHY LIFESTYLE: Nutrition, sleep, cardiovascular fitness, strength, and hormones ALWAYS impact our drive and ability to stay on task.
Treatment for Motivation Problems
COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY (CBT): An effective treatment for low motivation problems through reshaping ineffective thinking and behavioral patterns resulting in creating and harnessing drive and persistence.
MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING (MI): A positive psychology approach designed for those resistant to change by addressing one's readiness, confidence, and ability to grow and challenge themselves.
LIFE COACHING: Life Coaching for motivation helps people reach their full potential by clarifying life goals and creating strategies for overcoming blocks that keep people stuck.
CAREER COUNSELING: Career development not only helps us understand the direction for our lives but design a plan to make it happen, creating a more passionate and meaningful academic and professional future.
TEEN THERAPY: Many parents are in a constant struggle to motivate their teens, from doing homework and chores to finishing college applications. Teen therapy in South Denver inspires and empowers young people to take ownership for this lives, health, and futures.
WILLPOWER & SELF DISCIPLINE: Learn practical and pragmatic ways to increase self control, building resistance for instant gratification to reach long term goals.
UNDERSTANDING OBSTACLES: Increase awareness of what is blocking you, so that you can decrease the power of resistance and challenges.
GREATER ACHIEVEMENTS: Accomplish more by taking more initiative, increasing willingness to take risks, and increasing perseverance and grit.
DIRECTION: Create more clarity and life direction by pursuing something you are passionate about and interested in; living a more meaningful life.
TOOLS FOR CHANGE: Generate and practice strategies, techniques, and tools to change your level of motivation and the ability for positive change.
MORE CONFIDENCE: Live a more happy and engaged life by increasing self esteem, self perception, and self worth.
INCREASED DRIVE: Increase your desire for action by igniting a fire within; making change stick.
ENERGY: Feel better, more awake while experiencing more 'get up and go.'
PRODUCTIVITY: Stay on take while working on the important 'stuff' by prioritizing values.
WILLINGNESS: Overcome the fear of failure (and of success) by increasing your tolerance for ambiguity and anxiety.