Career Counseling, Therapy, and Life Coaching for young adults ages 20-35 in south Denver's Littleton, Colorado. Addressing failure to launch, college and career development, and mental health.
Life Coaching and Therapy for Millennials (Young Adults)
Millennials (aka, Gen-Y or young adults between 20-35 years old) have unique challenges that no other generation has endured before; growing up they lived through the invention of mobile devices and social media to experiencing 9/11 and the second great recession. Twenty-thirty somethings have far higher rates of depression, anxiety, and mental health concerns than previous generations. Young adults are struggling with independence ("extended adolescents" or "failure to launch"), life and career direction, and problems finding satisfying employment (15% of folks between 25-35 are living at home compared to 8% for boomers). If it seems like like you or your adult child has all the resources (e.g. access to education, financial support from family, etc) but struggling and stuck, a blend of mental-health career counseling and coaching may be right for you.
Common Challenges Millennials Face
ADULT-ING: Problems with work and soul-crushing career transitions (e.g. transitioning from high school to college, finding your first job, or adjusting to full time employment); difficulty progressing into an independent, responsible adult (e.g. failure to launch); lack of life skills (e.g. budgeting, getting to class, etc.).
PROCRASTINATION AND AVOIDANCE: Putting off hard, ambiguous and scary decisions or actions we know we "should" be doing; avoiding uncomfortable things (e.g. school work, searching a job) through media (e.g. videos, video-games/internet use or porn) or substances (e.g. marijuana, alcohol, or vaping); poor sense of time management, decision making, or maintaining focus.
DISCONNECTION AND LONELINESS: Difficulty making and keeping friends (e.g. moving to a new city or romantic relationships); feeling isolated and alone - even from people you use to be close with (e.g. lack of community); having challenges being your true, authentic self; experiencing social anxiety.
MENTAL, EMOTIONAL OR SPIRITUAL HEALTH CONCERNS: Managing a mental health diagnosis or concern (e.g. ADHD, anxiety, depression, or anger); inability to process and express emotions or beliefs; crisis of faith (usually a slow drifting from spiritual beliefs).
LOW SELF-WORTH AND SENSE OF MEANING: Lacking direction (e.g. too many or too few interests) or a lack of purpose and connection to "why"; a low sense of self-confidence, self-esteem or self-efficacy (belief that we can change).
Wake Up Excited
Have a Plan. Move Forward.
Helping young adults design happy, healthy, more successful lives so they may reach their full potential.
It is time to get your life started; peace, passion and purpose is possible. You can take ownership over your actions and situations by designing a life and future that you love. By participating in the life coaching, therapy, and career counseling experience you can develop the skills and strategies to make change stick; providing you with an opportunity to author your own life story.. one more fulfilling, exciting, and full of adventure.
Benefits of Counseling for Millennials
MOTIVATION: Overcome perfectionism, procrastination and avoidance; greater levels of focus, attention and productivity; increased resilience, grit, and perseverance.
CONFIDENCE: Develop a more healthy and accurate sense of self and identity; increases self-worth and self-image; feel better about yourself.
OWNERSHIP: Taking more responsibility by starting where you are; increase the belief and ability to change and influence your situations; getting un-stuck by forgiving yourself and moving forward.
COMMUNICATION: Connect with others more easily; understand and express yourself and emotions more clearly; increase social skills and conflict resolution; decreased social anxiety and awkwardness.
HAPPINESS: Feel a deep sense of pride and purpose in your life; elevate your mood by decreasing psychological, emotional, and identity issues; increase your holistic wellness (e.g. nutrition, exercise, spirituality, or community).
Life Coaching for Millennials Provides:
GOAL SETTING: Create plans, goals and objectives in your life; have a roadmap with actions steps for moving forward; accountability for follow through.
SKILLS AND SOLUTIONS FOR SUCCESS: Improve your personal or professional life; develop simple strategies to solve complex challenges; life-skills (how to adult) such as budgeting, decision making or time management.
BETTER HABITS: Design and implement healthy routines and daily habits for overall wellness (e.g. better nutrition and weight management, sleep routines, etc.), wealth and happiness; individualized aproving performance at work or in school; structure for managing attention issues for ADHD.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Increased academic and professional achievement; decision making support for future paths (e.g. do you need grad school? or how to land your first job, etc.).
A VISION FOR THE FUTURE: Develop a sense of direction and hope for the future; discover your purpose and passion for career and fields of study; find a sense of meaning and calling in your life.
Therapy for Millennials Provides:
MENTAL, EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT: Create plans, goals and objectives in your life; have a roadmap with actions steps for moving forward; accountability for follow through.
TRUST IN A NEUTRAL, 3RD PARTY: Navigate and discuss personal matters in a safe and confidential (private) setting; get objective feedback from an outside perspective; rest assured that you can develop a trusting relationship with a professional.
RESET YOUR MIND: Rewire your brain for a fresher, healthier, and happier you; increase self control through practicing logical decision making; push past fears and previous negative identities (e.g. 'the shy guy' or 'the person with mood swings').
HEALING: Take time and space to process, understand and recover from difficult emotions and situations; have a corrective experience to help get past negative relationships; opportunities forgive yourself so you can move on.
A GREATER SENSE OF SELF AND BELONGING: Develop a greater sense of your identity, strengths, passions, calling, etc.; have an opportunity to find and accept yourself; gain skills to create more community.
Young Adult Specialist
Hi I'm Scott Treas, MA, LPC.
After a 7+ years working on a college campus and over a decade of counseling, I saw traditional “talk therapy” was not sufficient. Young Adults needed an approach that actually made a change happen, not simply talk about their feelings.
Millennials need actual skills and strategies in order to develop confidence, motivation and direction needed to Launch their personal and professional lives
At LifeSketch, we people Launch sort out what’s holding them back.
Our team of relatable experts have followed our callings, and now get to aid in inspiring and empowering young adults, both students and professionals to unlock their full potential.
If you are ready develop direction for your life, to make a plan for moving forward, and have accountability and support we’d love to connect.
Reach Out by Scheduling a FREE phone call.
How to Work with Scott
Get Started in 3 Easy Steps
Schedule a Free Call
Let’s have a conversation about your situation, challenges, and goals in your life.
Decide if we’re a good match.
We’ll help you choose the right LifeSketch program and professional to work with.
Move Forward
We’ll work with you to sort out what’s holding you back and unlock your full potential.